
Wednesday, 15 February 2012


Yesterday I went to Geek2012 convention and it was fun, but before I talk about it I would like to bring up something that might catch some of your interests.
Apparently there is an amusement park named Dreamland that is in the verge of closing down. The park, apparently have a lot of cool old school stuff that some of you might like, like classic pinball, roller coaster rides etc. You can read more on the leaflets that I have scaned here.

The convention itself was very fun, looking at old video games and some new ones. I have also met a tutor from uni. I actually went to this convention to promote myself for future employment to other game companies that were going to talk about their industry, but I think when I got there I was too late. There was going to be another person who worked on the classic batman and robocop games, but it was held around 7 and the place I parked my car was going to close soon. The images shows off the pamphlet I picked up, the ticket I bought at the door, a wrist band that shows that I bought my ticket and I even added the leaflet I got from uni.

I have also taken some pictures form the inside of the convention, sorry the game screens are hard to make out. As mentioned before I found the convention very fun and enjoyable. I played some of the classic games to see how they play. The first game I played was Super Gouls and Ghosts, I believe this was an endurance game. Where regardless how upgraded your amour is your character can only take two hits. I then played Mario Karts 64, but I felt that the controls were too loose. I also played Super Puzzle Fighter, I found this game the most difficult out of the rests because I am colour blind and the game relies on the player to tell the difference of colours. The game also play's like tetris, but the more blocks that are stacked the bigger the bonus.
I have also played some recent games but mostly fighters like Super Street Fighter 4 and Soul Calibur 5. I also took witness of the grand finals of a tournament that was going on, it was not very exciting. I think because there were not many people watching. Which is funny because when I was playing Super Street Fighter 4 with someone else for fun, a lot of people was watching.
Yeah I had a lot of fun there.

The tournament I was watching.

Once it was time for me to go I decided to do a questionnaire to let the convention people know what I think about Geek2012 and what they should do for next year.

Finally I picked up a leaflet that shows another event that is coming soon this year, if anyone interested.

The only thing that I am disappointed of this convention was the I was not able to hand out any of my business card, but I am going to another convention this weekend. Hopefully I can hand out more of my cards.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shahbir

    Dreamland did close down quite a few years ago, but it wasn't really a retro park then. I remember going there before it closed. It had the oldest roller coaster in Britain called the Scenic Railway (built in 1920), but almost half of it burnt down a few years back.

    They plan to restore it back to a working roller coaster though, which is cool.

    And yeah they are supposed to be reopening it as a retro park, kind of like how it would have been when it first opened, like you described.

    I bet you didn't know I knew so much about Dreamland! :D
