
Sunday, 8 November 2009

What I watched today

Today I have watched a documentary about Annie Leibovitz.
The reason why I was watching her documentary is so I can have a bit more understanding of perception.
The film show's what kind of person Annie Leibovitz is, what her photos contain and how she became a photographer.
After watching this I felt that I have learnt a bit more about Perception. Which is that photos need to mean more than just pictures, they need to tell a story or talk about the subject. But all of this is about the meanings in photos, what people think about when looking at them? And how does it make them feel?
When I was looking at the photos, Annie Leibovitz have taken, I really like how the colours set the mood of the picture, and the outfits the subjects have to were to make the photo that much effective.
All I have to say is that the documentary was really good and I felt it did helped me a bit on understanding perception on photographs a bit more.

1 comment:

  1. Interim Online Review - Unit 2 : Space 10/11/09

    Hi Shahbir,

    Okay - your engagement with this unit and the cultural programme is much improved on your first five weeks, and as I suggested in an earlier post, I've enjoyed your reviews of the films. That said, your blog is still very weak in terms of your visualisation of the various scenes; yes, you've done a few preliminary sketches, but I can't see any evidence of you taking an idea and refining it, via drawings, via more drawings, via research etc. If you visit Ruben's blog you will note how organised his 'workflow' is - a scene from the text, developed into thumbnail sketches, which are then selected out and refined, and then used as the basis for a more resolved digital painting. In this sense, I can follow his ideas from a to b - his 'creative methodology' is very clear to me and very satisfying. You must better organise and order your creative development and I strongly suggest you model your own approach on that of your classmates - observe how they use their blogs, observe how they show the development of their ideas and do similarly.

    I want to see much more drawing, visual reference and digital painting on your blog; also, so far there's been little or no mention of the Pit and the Pendulum - remember, you have 3 drawings to produce over the next 2 and a half weeks! You must speed up, Shahbir!

    See the second comment for general advice re. the written assignment
