This time it was, the different type of lighting for a scene.

Cinema render

The third one was a beach sceen. I don't think I came across any problems when setting the light in this scene.
Beach render

The forth one was to set a light in a display room. Same as the last one I didn't came across any problems.
Once I have finished all the lights for diffenrt scenes. I then started then next one. Which was, different styles of light. The first one was an Early Morning style. I didn't came across any problems when I was setting the light, but this effect felt a bit dull.
Early Morning render

The next one was a Mid Morning style. Same as the last one I didn't came across and trouble when I was setting the light, but this one feels a little better then the last one.

The third one was a Night effect. This lighting style was also easy to make, thats because I used a guide to help me, but still it was easy to make.
Night render
Next was a Horror lighting style. However to me this one has more of a film noir effect to it then horror.

The next homework was to animate objects. the first one was to animate a robot skating across the scene. This one took a while to animate because I had to set most of his actions to rotate infinatly. However I am pleased of how the animation went.

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